Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2017_728
Title : Propagation of Different Sunspot Waves and Oscillations in the Magnetically Coupled Solar Atmosphere
Authors and Co-Authors : 1. G. R. Gupta IUCAA, Pune. 2. Durgesh Tripathi IUCAA, Pune 3. V. Kashyap Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA, USA 4. Amit Pathak Tezpur University, Assam
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : We present an observational evidence of the coupling of solar atmosphere in terms of the propagation of different sunspot waves and oscillations using the data from Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on board Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We find presence of different sunspot wave modes such as 5-min photospheric oscillations, 3-min umbral flash oscillations and waves, and propagating coronal waves observed at different layers of solar atmosphere where amplitudes of oscillations change in synchronization. All the sunspot waves and oscillations showed similar pattern of increase in amplitudes of oscillations. Observed similarity and time delay in different sunspot wave modes at different layers of solar atmosphere yields an evidence of the propagation of sunspot waves from lower solar atmosphere to the higher up in to the corona. These findings further (also) suggest that all the layers of solar atmosphere are inherently connected.