Abstract Details

Name: Ajay Vibhute
Affiliation: Inter University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
Conference ID: ASI2017_743
Authors and Co-Authors : Ajay Vibhute, Dipankar Bhattacharya on behalf of CZTI team
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : India’s first dedicated satellite Astrosat carries on board a hard X-ray payload Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI), which operates in the energy range 10 keV to 100 keV. The science objectives of the CZTI include hard X-ray Imaging, determination of spectral and thermal behaviour of Active Galactic Nuclei and X-ray binary systems as well as the detection of gamma ray bursts and the study of their early light curves. CZTI is also capable of measuring hard X-ray polarisation. CZTI uses an indirect imaging technique called “Coded Mask Imaging” for the imaging purpose. Detailed analysis of performance verification data has been used to quantify the relative shifts between the mask and the detector in each individual quadrant. Corrections for this have been incorporated in the data analysis software. The methods of imaging employed and the results from the PV phase data are highlighted in this poster.