Abstract Details

Name: Ananda Hota
Affiliation: UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, Mumbai
Conference ID: ASI2017_818
Title : First results from the GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory (GOOD-RAC).
Authors and Co-Authors : Ananda Hota (UM-DAE CEBS, Mumbai & RAD@home, India) C. Konar (Amity Univ. & RAD@home, India) Pratik A. Dabhade (RAD@home, India) Sravani Vaddi (NCRA-TIFR, Pune & RAD@home, India) C.S. Stalin (IIA, Bangalore) Shilpa Dubal (RAD@home, India) Megha Rajoria (RAD@home, India) Lavanya Nemani (RAD@home, India)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : We wish to present first results from the GMRT Observation of Objects Discovered by RAD@home Astronomy Collaboratory (GOOD-RAC).RAD@home is the first Indian citizen science initiative in astronomy involving ~70 trained citizen scientists. RAD@home has considerably grown in the past three years in terms of expertise of its members as well as in its astronomical discoveries. Since the launch of RAD@home in April 2013, oral presentations in three international conferences (MWSky@NCRA, Jets@ICTS and SPARCS@SKAscicon16) and poster presentations in previous three ASI meetings have contained preliminary reports on our discoveries from public data. For the first time, in this ASI meeting we wish to present, in front of Indian astronomy community, the results from our own GMRT observations obtained through the GMRT Time Allocation Committee. Discoveries by citizen-scientist e-astronomers were followed up with the GMRT in 610, 325 and 235 MHz bands. Stunning new features have been revealed. These new results include discoveries of 1) a double-lobe radio galaxy surrounded by a giant relic radio cocoon similar to double-double radio galaxies, 2) a wide angle tailed radio galaxy bent by intra-filament-medium/host-galaxy motion along the filament joining two clusters of galaxies and, 3) a relic radio emission from a dead-radio galaxy revived by cosmic accretion on to the nearby cluster of galaxies (also called radio phoenix). Several more discoveries by the active e-astronomer team will also be presented. Details on this modified citizen-science research programme which is the only such project in India can be found in our paper (in press) in the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy available at https://arxiv.org/abs/1610.09798 . As said Any BSc/BE Can Do research joining RAD@home ( #ABCDresearch #RADatHomeIndia), interested citizens may contact through: www.facebook.com/RADatHomeIndia/