WS5 - High performance computing in Astrophysics

Theme: High performance computing in Astrophysics (or Using public codes to do astrophysics)
Rationale: Rationale: Computational astrophysics is playing an increasingly important role in astrophysics. It is desirable to simulate the nonlinear equations (e.g., N-body and hydro/MHD) on massively parallel computers to build intuition and to compare with multiwavelength observations. Several astrophysics codes are publicly available and are well-documented, and one does not necessarily have to write a code from scratch. The availability of codes provide a great opportunity (especially to students and postdocs) of quickly getting started with interesting astrophysical applications. The challenging part is to get started and that is what we aim to do in this workshop. 

In the longer term the plan is to evolve a community of users who are comfortable with the use of publicly available codes, by adding modules to such codes for their specific requirements, and, eventually to develop stand-alone codes. 

With the National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) initiative supercomputing will become more and more accessible in India and it is timely that the astrophysics community becomes well poised to make use of these upcoming facilities.
Plan: In the morning we plan to give a basic introduction to high performance computing (HPC) and the key concepts in N-body, finite difference/volume hydro/MHD, spectral techniques. In afternoon we introduce various public codes: TreePM, PLUTO and TARANG. People should get their laptops so that they can install the codes and run some test problems on their own. Participants should install the codes BEFORE COMING FOR THE WORKSHOP.
Expected participants: 30-40
Organizers: Prateek Sharma, Jasjeet Bagla, Mahendra Verma.
For List of Participants click here