Abstract Details

Name: Yogesh Joshi
Affiliation: ARIES, Nainital
Conference ID: ASI2019_102
Title : Optical characterization and Radial velocity monitoring of stellar candidates having Exoplanet or low-mass EB companion
Authors and Co-Authors : Yogesh Joshi
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Recently, large catalogue of exoplanet and eclipsing binary candidates are reported in the Kepler archival data. At Nainital, we have initiated a long-term observing program comprising optical characterization and radial velocity monitoring of stellar candidates which may have exoplanet or low-mass star as their companion. We initially target our study on few bright candidates for which radial velocity monitoring is going on through available high-resolution spectrographs. Along with high-precision photometric observations using small-size telescopes at ARIES, Nainital, we shall determine their physical parameters with a great precision. Having enough sample of low-mass stars, we aim to understand stellar mass-radius relation which is still debated towards lower-mass regime. Furthermore, if transit happens to be during the period of spectroscopic monitoring, it may also help to study the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect which play an important role to understand the characteristic of the low-mass companion star/planet. In this talk, I will elaborate our efforts in this direction and future plan under this project.