Abstract Details

Name: Pankaj Kumar
Affiliation: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Conference ID: ASI2019_109
Authors and Co-Authors : Pankaj Kumar, Judith T. Karpen, S.K. Antiochos, P.F. Wyper, C.R. DeVore, C.E. Deforest
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : Jets (transient/collimated plasma ejections) occur frequently throughout the solar corona, and contribute mass/energy to the corona and solar wind. By combining numerical simulations and high-resolution observations, we have made substantial progress recently on determining the energy build-up and release processes in these jets. Here we describe a study of 27 equatorial coronal-hole jets using SDO/AIA and HMI observations during 2013-2014. Out of 27 jets, 18 (67%) are associated with mini-filament eruptions and 9 (33%) do not show mini-filament eruptions but do exhibit mini-flare arcades and other eruptive signatures, indicating that every jet in our sample involved a filament-channel eruption. Potential field extrapolations of the source-region photospheric magnetic fields reveal that all jets originated in the fan-spine topology of an embedded bipole associated with an EUV coronal bright point, and are in agreement with the breakout model of solar eruptions. We present selected examples, and discuss the implications for the jet energy-buildup and initiation mechanisms.