Abstract Details

Name: Eswaraiah Chakali
Affiliation: National Astronomical Observatories of China NAOC
Conference ID: ASI2019_142
Title : Probing magnetic fields at the footprints of the bipolar bubbles - a case study towards Sh201 with JCMT/SCUBAPOL2
Authors and Co-Authors : Eswaraiah Chakali (NAOC, China), Shih-Ping Lai (NTHU, Taiwan), Jia-Wei Wang (NTHU, Taiwan), Manash R. Samal (PRL, India), Di Li (NAOC, China)
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : The influence of magnetic fields (B-fields) in the formation and evolution of bipolar bubbles, that are formed in the filaments hosting HII regions, is not been well-studied yet. In addition to the anisotropic expansion of I-fronts into the filament, strong B-fields permeating the filaments are also expected to introduce an additional anisotropic pressure which might favor expansion and propagation of I-fronts to form the bipolar bubble. Since the optical and near-infrared polarizations of background stars probed B-fields confined only to the outer low-density parts of the star-forming regions, we have conducted 850-micron dust emission polarimetry using JCMT/SCUBAPOL2 towards the clumps, densest parts located at footprints of the bipolar bubbles, of Sh201. This star-forming region hosts a filament, bipolar bubbles, and an HII region. Based on the observed morphologies of B-fields, HII region, and clumps, and the estimated various physical parameters, we suggest that B-fields are strong enough to shield the clumps from being dispersed by the expanding HII region thereby supporting the clumps from being the collapse. In addition, B-fields also found to be capable of redirecting the direction of the expanding ionization fronts at the footprints of the bipolar bubbles.