Abstract Details

Name: Chandrashekhar Kalugodu
Affiliation: IIA, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_150
Title : Study of Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Super-flares : QPP analysis of post-flare light curves of AB-Dor
Authors and Co-Authors : Kalugodu Chandrashekhar, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava, Dipankar Banerjee et,.al.
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Flares on the Sun and other stars are caused by a fast explosive release of the magnetic energy stored in the solar/stellar corona. Solar flares and flare-related coronal mass ejections affect significantly the physical conditions in the near-Earth space and can disrupt operations of spacecraft and energy and communications systems. Flares on other stars have been observed many times in different spectral ranges; some of them are known as “superflares” because their energies exceed the energies of the largest known solar flares by orders of magnitude. X-ray observations are one of the main diagnostic tools for solar and stellar flares. The observations covering a wide range of energies are especially valuable. The soft X-rays (at a few keV and below) provide information about the characteristics and dynamics of the hot thermal plasma in the flares. AB Dor is a quadruple system and is a magnetically active young dwarf-star of spectral type K0, located at a distance of ∼15 pc from the Sun as a foreground star of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). It is a very rapid rotator with a period of P = 0.514 days. We have studied flare light curves from AB Dor using XMM-Newton instruments and detected quasi-periodic pulsations(QPPs). I will present the preliminary results of the investigation we are presently carrying on QPPs.