Abstract Details

Name: suchira sarkar
Affiliation: IISc, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_17
Title : Vertical distribution of stars and flaring in the Milky Way
Authors and Co-Authors : Suchira Sarkar, co-author- prof. Chanda J. Jog, IISc
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : We study the vertical stellar distribution of the Milky Way thin disk in detail with particular focus on the outer disk. We treat the galactic disk as a gravitationally coupled system of stars and gas in the gravitational field of the dark matter halo and obtain the vertical distribution of stars and gas for the radial range of 4-22kpc. We show that the gravitational fields of gas and halo play dominant role in constraining the thickness of the stellar disk in inner and outer Galaxy respectively. The disk thickness is reduced by a factor of 3–4 in the outer Galaxy due to the force field of the halo, which may help the disk resist distortion at large radii. Despite this constraining effect we find that the thickness of the disk increases steadily with radius, flaring steeply beyond 17 kpc. This shows that flaring is a generic result in the outer Galaxy. For details of this work, please see- S. Sarkar and C. J. Jog A&A 617, A142 (2018)