Abstract Details

Name: Shashanka Gurumath
Affiliation: PRL, Ahmedabad
Conference ID: ASI2019_269
Title : Study on Angular Momentum of G-Stars and Their Exoplanets
Authors and Co-Authors : 1) Shashanka R. Gurumath 2) Hiremath K.M. 3) Ramasubramanian V. 4) Kinsuk Acharyaa
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : In order to understand the distribution of angular momenta of Solar system objects, we estimate the spin angular momentum (J⋆) of host stars that follow a power law 10^(42.33±5.40) (M*/Mʘ)^(4.18±0.53) with stellar mass (M*/Mʘ). The orbital angular momenta (Lp) of exoplanets are estimated, and the best fit yields 10^(42.66±1.79) (Mp/MJ)^(1.26±0.05) with the exoplanetary mass (Mp/MJ), suggesting that Solar system planets have high orbital angular momentum compared to those of exoplanets. In order to match these momenta to the average orbital angular momentum of the exoplanets, the present mass of all solar terrestrial planets has to be increased, suggesting that a mass in the vicinity (≤ 1.5 AU) of the Sun is missing. Furthermore, the total (spin and orbital) angular momentum (J_tot) of the stellar system is computed, and a power law of the form J_tot = 10^(43.11±6.82) (Mp/MJ)^(0.94±0.14) is obtained. This study suggests that Jupiter and Saturn migrated outward during the early history of Solar system formation. We find that the probability of detecting Earth-like planets is more likely for host stars that have total angular momentum ∼ 1042 kg m2 s−1. Finally, the relationship between masses of the exoplanets and their orbital distances reveals clues about the missing mass in the vicinity of the Sun.