Abstract Details

Name: Anuj Gupta
Affiliation: Panjab University, Chandigarh
Conference ID: ASI2019_290
Title : Thermodynamical Equilibrium Condensation Calculations in Primitive Solar Gas
Authors and Co-Authors : Anuj Gupta and Sandeep Sahijpal
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : The gravitational collapse of a presolar molecular cloud around 4.56 billion years ago initiated the formation of our solar system. In the cooling primitive solar gas, condensation of early solar dust grains took place in distinct localised regions which in turn commenced the formation of the planetary system. In order to deal with the thermodynamics of the dust grain condensation, we have developed a numerical code in which detailed thermodynamical equilibrium calculations have been performed. The thermodynamics associated with the condensation of dust grains produces different condensation sequences in different scenarios that differ in temperature, pressure and relative abundances of the elements. The presence of the wide range of chemical composition of the interstellar dust grains separated from the meteorites reflect the elemental traces of various nucleosynthetic processes operating within the evolving stars. Thus, the dust grains provide us the opportunity of studying a state of matter that cannot be attained in the laboratory. The numerical simulations performed in the present work predicted the condensation sequence, condensation reactions and the distribution of the major elements between solid and vapour in the considered stellar atmosphere. The physico-chemical conditions obtained through the model are found to be consistent with the observations deduced from various meteorites.