Abstract Details

Name: Shanwlee SowMondal
Affiliation: PRL, Ahmedabad
Conference ID: ASI2019_325
Title : Understanding the solar spicules through numerical simulation
Authors and Co-Authors : Shanwlee Sow Mondal, Dr. Aveek Sarkar
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : High resolution observations from Hinode mission reveal that type-II spicules can be one of the prime candidates responsible for the million degree solar corona. Spicules are chromospheric jet like features, ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere. Type-II spicules probably get generated in the lower chromosphere, but understanding how they deposit energy in the corona is still a challenging task. We perform a two dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation of type-II spicules in the solar corona. We also produce emission measure through forward modelling to compare it with the real observations. The energy budget calculated from the simulation data seems to indicate that spicules alone perhaps cannot keep the corona to million degree kelvin.