Abstract Details

Name: Sananda Raychaudhuri
Affiliation: Bose Institute, Kolkata
Conference ID: ASI2019_394
Title : Simulation of radiation driven winds from Keplerian disk
Authors and Co-Authors : Sananda Raychaudhuri,Bose Institute, Kolkata; Mukesh K. Vyas, ARIES, Nainital; Indranil Chattopadhyay, ARIES, Nainital
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : It is widely accepted phenomena that the mass accretion rate and the outflow from accretion disks are tightly coupled, both in galactic and extragalactic length scale. With the technical advancement of X-ray astronomy a new era has begun for the study of galactic outflows and in this context, Microquasars are a potential candidate. We simulate the winds driven by radiation from the Keplerian disk around microquasars. All components of radiative moments are incorporated in the governing hydrodynamic set of equations. We use a 2D, finite volume code based on TVD algorithm which is a second-order-accurate explicit scheme. We estimate the mass outflow rate depending on the Eddington parameter and compare our simulation result with the observations, as well as the fraction of mass being ejected to that being accreted onto the Black Hole is also calculated.