Abstract Details

Name: Swagat Das
Affiliation: IISER, Tirupati
Conference ID: ASI2019_59
Title : Observational Studies of Galactic Star Forming Regions
Authors and Co-Authors : Swagat Ranjan Das
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Thesis
Abstract : Massive stars, with their radiative, mechanical and chemical feedback, are key players influencing the local and global dynamical and chemical state of the interstellar medium through ionization and radiation pressure, stellar winds, outflows and supernovae. These stars are therefore fundamental and crucial for unravelling the astrophysics of the formation, sustenance, and dissipation of structures ranging from the largest, Galactic scales, to giant molecular clouds, disks, and planetary systems. The need for a complete and consistent picture of the processes involved in the formation of the high-mass stellar population is evident from the lack of consensus and the various theories proposed. This is compounded with the challenges in observing this regime. Motivated by the above scenario, this thesis presents multiwavelength studies focussed towards a selected sample of Galactic massive star-forming regions. With the aim to gain a better insight into the formation mechanism of massive stars and their feedback on the surrounding interstellar medium, we selected two infrared dust bubbles (S10, CS51) and two H II regions (G346.077−0.056 and G346.056−0.021). Towards north east of the bubble S10, an extended green object EGO G345.99−0.02 is located at an angular distance of ∼ 5′, which is also studied along with S10. In addition, a statistical investigation of cold dust emission towards a large sample of seventeen IR dust bubbles has been achieved.