Abstract Details

Name: Vaibhav Dixit
Affiliation: PRL, Ahmedabad
Conference ID: ASI2019_120
Title : Development of an Adaptive Optics Test-bench: The Computational Approach
Authors and Co-Authors : Vaibhav Dixit, Mudit K. Srivastava
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : An Adaptive Optics (AO) laboratory test-bench is being developed to simulate and characterize the AO performance in the laboratory controlled conditions. The test-bench is envisioned as the prerequisite experimental facility to develop AO assisted imaging instrument for upcoming Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) 2.5m telescope at Mt. Abu. While the laboratory experimental setup is being designed using commercial off-the-shelf optical components (wavefront sensor, deformable mirror etc.), a parallel approach to develop a complete computational model of the said AO test bench (and systems in general) has been initiated as well. This computational test bench shall provide a detailed theoretical framework of said AO system including the atmospheric effects. The computational model is based on the theoretical framework of Fourier Optics/Fresnel propagation of beams to describe the properties of AO imaging systems. Several effects that are of importance to an astronomical adaptive optics systems are being modeled in the computational setup e.g. beam propagation through turbulent media, spatial and temporal variability of phase structures over the pupil, sampling and reconstruction of the pupil phase map, correction applied by deformable mirror and residual error map etc. The theoretical understandings employed in the development of this computational simulation model would be validated with the help of hardware test-bench setup for various error budgets and expected performance. The computational test-bench is being developed to provide the expected AO system outputs for its imaging as well as control requirements in variety of hardware set-up parameters as well as for various different theoretical models of the AO systems. In this poster, we shall introduce the AO test-bench project at PRL and describe early results from the computational test-bench.