Abstract Details

Name: Mayank Narang
Affiliation: TIFR, Mumbai
Conference ID: ASI2019_211
Title : Planetary systems around evolved stars: a different planet population?
Authors and Co-Authors : Mayank Narang (TIFR, Mumbai), Gayathri Viswanath (Christ Univ, Bangalore), Manoj Puravankara(TIFR, Mumbai), Blesson Mathew (Christ Univ, Bangalore), Ravinder Banyal (IIA, Bangalore), Sivarani Thirupathi (IIA, Bangalore), Rajaguru, S. P. (IIA, Bangalore)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Most studies on exoplanets so far have focussed on planets orbiting main sequence stars. Planetary systems around evolved stars (sub-giant and red giant stars), on the other hand, are not as widely studied. Detailed studies of such systems can provide valuable clues about the late evolution and the final fate of the planetary system as the host star evolves off the main sequence. In this work, we investigate the difference between planet properties around main sequence and evolved stars. We show that the planets around evolved stars occupy a parameter space very different from those around main sequence stars. The planets around evolved stars tend to be more massive and orbit further out than their main sequence counterparts. The metallicity of the evolved stars, on average, is lower than the main sequence stars, and, yet they host massive Jupiter-like planets. This is quite contrary to what is found for planets around main sequence stars, where massive planets are preferentially found around metal-rich stars. Also, recently it has been shown that the mass of the planets orbiting evolved stars scales almost linearly with the host star radius. The reason for this correlation is not known. In this contribution, we will present our main results and discuss their implications for the formation and evolution of planetary systems.