Abstract Details

Affiliation: IIA, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_222
Title : A possible solution to small scale problem with Lambda CDM model; namely core-cusp problem
Authors and Co-Authors : SANDEEP KUMAR KATARIA
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : We know that one of the major and long standing problem with widely accepted Lambda CDM cosmological model is the core-cusp problem. Observations show a flat dark matter profile in the inner regions of galaxies while cosmological simulations show that inner parts of galaxies are having steep or cuspy dark matter profile. There have been many attempts to approach the solution of this problem through supernova feedback, internal dynamics of galaxies etc. Further work is required to have a concrete solution to this problem. In this work we approach the problem through secular evolution of disk galaxies which have an initial cuspy dark matter potential. We look for the effect bars and effect of gas in transition of cusp to core nature of dark matter through N-body/SPH simulations. Early results show that bar plays a potential role in transferring angular momentum to central halo particle and make it flat within few Gyr of evolution. Further the effect of gas fraction in flattening the central cusp is under investigation which also plays an important role in angular momentum transfer.