Abstract Details

Name: Anindita Mondal
Affiliation: University of Calcutta
Conference ID: ASI2019_267
Title : Study of quiescence phase spectra of novae
Authors and Co-Authors : Anindita Mondal, Ramkrishna Das, G. C. Anupama, Soumen Mondal
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Studies of quiescence phase of novae are crucial to understand many aspects of the nova outburst and evolution; for example, the nature of the secondary and other components of the system; interaction among the binary components, effects of the outburst on the accretion disk, mass transfer rate, etc. In order to understand quiescence phase property of novae, I have observed a few quiescent novae using the 2m HCT. The spectra show prominent emission features of hydrogen, helium, iron and oxygen features of low ionization; few novae show absorption feature due to the cool secondary component. The absence of higher ionization lines can be accounted for by the absorption and softening by reradiation of all direct photons from the accretion disk. I have modeled the spectra using photoionization code CLOUDY. For modeling, I have considered 3 components: the hot WD, surrounded by a cylindrical accretion disk and the secondary companion. The modeled spectra were then matched with the observed ones using chi-square minimization technique. From the modeling of quiescence phase spectra, we determined the type of the secondary, estimated elemental abundances and other parameters related to the system.