Abstract Details

Name: Asif Iqbal
Affiliation: RRI, Bengaluru
Conference ID: ASI2019_317
Title : Correlations of the Non-gravitational energy and BCG radio luminosity in galaxy clusters
Authors and Co-Authors : Asif Iqbal (RRI, Bangalore), Ruta Kale (NCRA, Pune), Biman B. Nath (RRI, Bangalore), Subhabrata Majumdar (TIFR, Mumbai)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : We discuss the excess entropy and the corresponding non-gravitational feedback energy (E_feedback) in the intra-cluster medium (ICM) by considering a sample of 38 galaxy clusters using Chandra X-ray and NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS)/Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) radio observations. We show a moderate correlation of the feedback energy and brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) radio luminosity (LR) with the various cluster thermal properties. We conclusively find that the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is more effective in transferring feedback energy to the ICM in less massive clusters. We find that within 0.3r500, the feedback energy correlates with cluster temperature as E_feedback ∝ Tobs^0.98 ±0.37. Moreover, for radio detected BCG sample we find that BCG radio luminosity at 1.4 GHz scales with gas mass as LR∝ mg,obs ^1.76\±0.71 and with X-ray luminosity as LR∝ LX,obs^0.94±0.35. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results with regard to feedback in clusters.