Abstract Details

Affiliation: HRH The Prince of Wales Instt of Engg, Jorhat
Conference ID: ASI2019_381
Authors and Co-Authors : RULEE BARUAH Kalpana Duorah, H. L. Duorah
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Dynamical astrophysical event like Supernova is believed to be one of the most probable site for the production of heavy elements by r-process nucleosynthesis. Here at extremely high temperature and density, the neutron capture is much faster than beta decays and heavy and superheavy neutron rich elements are formed which are otherwise not possible by fusion reactions . The particular model we have used is the beta delayed explosion of massive stars powered by neutrino energy deposition in a hot-bubble. Astrophysical parameters needed for our analysis are temperature (> 109 degrees K) and neutron number density which we take to be greater than 1020 cm-3. In the later expansion stages after SN explosion where the neutron density supposedly falls, the r-process nucleosynthesis produces the heavy elements which subsequently beta decays and the r-process path forms. The experimental data of observed elements are found to be in agreement with our calculated ones along the path. It is found that the superheavy elements' (Z > 105) formation along the r-process path is highly favored with the increase in temperature. Later ejecta are neutron-rich (Ye < 0.5) and leaves behind a compact neutron star . We note that the element 98Cf 254 shown by the SN light curves is found in our classical astrophysical condition of T = 1.9× 109 K and nn = 1020 cm-3. Also we note an element of mass 273 corresponding to atomic number 115, at temperature 3.0 × 109 K and neutron density 1020 cm−3. It is found that the dynamical timescale of the final collapse is dominated by electron capture on nuclei and not on free protons.