Abstract Details

Name: swati Deshmukh
Affiliation: IOS, Nagpur
Conference ID: ASI2019_384
Title : Star formation and AGN activity in a sample of Blue ETGs
Authors and Co-Authors : S.P.Deshmukh, M.K.Patil
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic Astronomy
Abstract : Observational evidences favors the presence of recent star formation activity in early-type galaxies and the effect of AGN on the star formation process in a galaxy is a matter of conjecture. We wish to perform a comparative study of the star formation rate, stellar and dust content in a sample of Blue ETGs including SFs, Seyferts, and LINERs. We carried out SED fitting on UV-Optical-IR data of Blue ETGs using MAGPHYS and SED3FIT codes. From the best fit SED model, we derived various physical parameters of sample galaxies. Also, we have derived the central black hole mass in these ETGs using M BH - K magnitude relationship. We observed a declining trend of SFR, sSFR and the dust content over the sequence SF-Seyferts-LINERs. A tight anti-correlation has been observed between the age of recent merger induced starburst and the sSFR with a correlation coefficient of -0.72. A marginal correlation has been observed between SFR per unit dust mass and the temperature of cool ambient ISM with the temperature of cool ISM decreasing over the sequence SF-Seyfert-LINER galaxies. We observed a positive correlation between specific BH mass and sSFR with Spearmans ρ value 0.45. Declining trend of star formation rate and the dust content of sample galaxies over SF-to-Seyfert-to-LINERs suggests the possible evolutionary sequence of Blue ETGs from SF-to-Seyfert-to-LINER galaxies. The decreasing trend of median values of temperature of cool ambient ISM over this sequence suggest no effect of central AGN on the diffuse ISM rather it is found to be affected by the star formation activity in sample galaxies. A positive correlation between specific BH mass and specific SFR suggest a common origin of the triggered star formation activity and the growth of central BH through accretion.