Abstract Details

Name: Vibhore Negi
Affiliation: ARIES, Nainital
Conference ID: ASI2019_400
Title : Data Reduction Pipeline for 4 m ILMT
Authors and Co-Authors : Vibhore Negi Hum Chand Bikram Pradhan Jean Surdej
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : A new telescope, International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) is being installed at ARIES Devesthal observatory, Uttarakhand, India. ILMT consists of a 4-m diameter zenith mirror characterised by a f/2 focal ratio. It will perform a deep survey of a long and narrow strip of the sky by looking at space debris, asteroids, stars, supernovae and galaxies crossing its field of view. Since the sky covered by ILMT is vast (141.2 sq. degree), it will have plenty of exotic sources which will be equally focussed, with an integration time equal to the transit time of source by applying a special technique known as Time-Delay Integration (TDI) technique. In the TDI mode, images are formed by electronically stepping the relevant charges collected in the pixel of Charge Coupled Device (CCD) used as a detector in the observation. The transfer rate is kept similar to the target drifts rate across the detector . To be prepared for when the ILMT becomes functional in coming months and also as the traditional approach in data reduction of the raw CCD images is not sufficiently efficient and accurate for this mode, a data-reduction and calibration pipeline specifically dedicated for the data taken in the TDI mode has been developed by us. In this, a few innovations have been brought to properly handle such raw images. The data reduction algorithm includes dark subtraction, flat-field correction, sky subtraction, object detection, photometry and astrometry etc. This pipeline can be used to reduce and analyse CCD frames obtained in the TDI mode. So, to examine the efficiency of our pipeline, we have taken data from 1.3 m Devesthal Fast Optical telescope (DFOT) in the zenith observing mode. We will present the methodology used in the reduction pipeline and some results based on the existing 1.3m data taken in TDI mode.