Abstract Details

Name: Mamta Gulati
Affiliation: Thapar University, Patiala
Conference ID: ASI2019_445
Title : Slow modes in self-gravitating coupled collisionless stellar and gas disc.
Authors and Co-Authors : Meenu Prajapati
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Self-gravitating nearly Keplerian discs supports slow modes which can dominate the overall appearance of the disc (Tremaine 2001). All the previous studies on slow modes for galactic discs are done assuming the disc to be composed of zero pressure fluid (gas) disc (Tremaine, 2001; Sridhar & Saini, 2010; Gulati, Saini & Sridhar , 2012) or collisionless disc composed of stars (Jalali & Tremaine, 2012, Gulati & Saini, 2016). However in case of galaxies the gas and the stellar discs exists together and are coupled to each other. A natural question to ask at this point is: What is the nature of slow modes if both gas and particle discs are coupled together and are bound to each other gravitationally? Recently Jalali (2013) have done a similar problem applicable only to protoplanetary discs and found such systems to be unstable. In the present work we study the nature of slow modes if both gas and particle discs are coupled together and are bound to each other gravitationally. In near-Keplerian discs these can be the reason for the observed non-axisymmetric features in galactic discs.