Abstract Details

Name: Yashwant Gupta
Affiliation: NCRA-TIFR, Pune
Conference ID: ASI2019_479
Title : Some new results from the study of pulsar microstructure with the GMRT
Authors and Co-Authors : Yashwant Gupta, Kishalay De, Krishna Shende, Vinayak
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Radio emission from pulsars exhibits various time scales, ranging from seconds, milliseconds, and down to microseconds. The last kind, referred to as ``microstructure'' is the most difficult to study as it requires the highest sensitivity at the shortest time scales, and requires precise correction of interstellar dispersion effects. The GMRT, with its large collecting area at metre and centimetre wavelengths, combined with the availability of modes that allow the more accurate coherent dedispersion technique to be applied to the beamformer data, provides an excellent instrument for the study of pulsar microstructure. Furthermore, by using a combination of modes with the legacy and upgraded GMRT receivers, we are also able to study the microstructure emission simultaneously at fairly widely separated frequencies such at 325 and 650 MHz. We report here some of the new results from our ongoing study of pulsar microstructure for a sample of bright pulsars, including some for which microstructure has been seen for the first time. We probe in detail properties such as the broadband nature, the temporal and spectral behaviour, the variation across the emission window, as well as the polarisation properties of microstructure emission, and bring out some interesting new results.