Abstract Details

Name: Bhupesh Saxena
Affiliation: MPCouncil of Science and Technology,Bhopal
Conference ID: ASI2019_495
Title : A Performance Evaluation of 0.5m optical telescope of Varahmihir Astronomical Observatory, Ujjain.
Authors and Co-Authors : Dr.Bhupesh Saxena , Dr.Rajesh Sharma , Dr.P.S.Parihar
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Instrumentation and Techniques
Abstract : M.P. Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Bhopal has established an astronomical observatory at Dongla, Ujjain, named “Varahmihir Astronomical Observatory”. Observatory site is relatively dark, having moderate seeing and found to have a large number of clear nights during September-April months. The long spell of clear nights is best suited for continuous monitoring of variety of variable stars and the transient objects. Observatory has a medium size robotic Optical Telescope equipped with a large format advanced CCD imaging camera. In this poster, we report our efforts to characterize the site as well as evaluate the performance of the telescope-CCD system. We also report few selected scientific observations carried out using the facility. Observatory is also being used to train young college/university students to carry out astronomical research as well as for the public outreach related activities.