Future Robotic observatory on Mountain Vidojevica: site and equipment specification

N. Martinović*, M. Jurković, M. Stojanović, O. Vince and M. Bogosavljević
Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Volgina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

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We present an overview of the instrumentation installed at the new Astronomical Station Vidojevica in Serbia. These instruments currently include the 60-cm telescope, the all sky camera, the seeing monitor and the weather station. We give a brief technical description of the equipment in relation to the future goal of integrating the components into a fully robotic observatory.

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Keywords : site testing (Astronomical Station Vidojevica) – telescopes (60-cm telescope, Milankovic telescope) – instrumentation: miscellaneous (SBIG AllSky 340, Seeing monitor, weather station)