Spectral photographic archives of observatories of Ukraine: digital versions

L. Pakuliak1*, A. Shlyapnikov2†, A. Rosenbush1 and M. Gorbunov2
1MAO NASU, Zabolotnogo str. 27, Kiev, 03680 Ukraine
2SRI CrAO KNU, Nauchny, Crimea, 98409 Ukraine

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Photographic archives of Ukrainian observatories contain a large number of plates in collections of spectral observations. First attempts to digitize them and to make them available via VO formats and protocols of data transfer and processing were undertaken during last years. The involved observatories are Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (CrAO) and Main Astronomical observatory NAS of Ukraine (MAO NASU).The project of spectral archive digitizing is carried out within the framework of Ukrainian Virtual Observatory - UkrVO. The core of UkrVO is a Joint Digital Archive (JDA) of photographic and CCD observations. On-line databases of spectral photographic collections and their fitting for VO tools set are the further enhancement of the idea of JDA.

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Keywords : virtual observatory – digital archive – spectral library