Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
V. Cuciti1,2*, R. Cassano1, R. Kale1,2, D. Dallacasa1,2 and L. Gregorini1,2
2Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Bologna ITALY
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Radio Halos are diffuse synchrotron radio sources observed in a number of galaxy clusters. To test the theoretical models proposed for their origin, mass-selected samples of GCs with adequate radio and Xray data are necessary. We select from the Planck SZ catalogue clusters with M ≳ 6 × 1014Mʘ and 0.08 < z < 0.33. We use the NVSS and the Extended GMRT RH survey and find that RHs are preferentially found in massive/merging systems, while clusters without RH are less massive and relaxed.
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Keywords : galaxies: clusters: general; radio continuum: general; X-rays: galaxies: clusters