Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India
Jeff Wagg*, Robert Braun, Tyler Bourke and James Green
SKA Organisation, Jodrell Bank Observatory, Lower Withington, UK
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Even in phase I, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) should provide nearly an order of magnitude increase in point source sensitivity and mapping speed at long radio wavelengths compared to existing facilities. With the aim of beginning construction in 2018, this year the design consortia are converging on the final design for phase I, in parallel with the commencement of the SKA organisation science group activities. Eight science working group meetings have focused on the main areas to be addressed with this new facility, and we present an overview of projects that might be conducted when planned full phase I science operations begin in 2023. Finally, a conference will be held in Sicily in June, 2014, with the aim of generating an updated science case for phases I and II.