Volume 42 Number 3 & 4 Sept & Dec 2014


The Double Pulsar J0737 - 3039A/B: a decade of surprises
M. Burgay1,*, M. Kramer2,3 and M. A. McLaughlin4
Abstract | PDF

Loop quantum cosmology and the fate of cosmological singularities
Parampreet Singh*
Abstract | PDF

Investigation of iron emission lines in the eclipsing high mass X-ray binary pulsar OAO 1657-415
Gaurava K. Jaisawal1* and Sachindra Naik1†
Abstract | PDF

A new three-band, two beam astronomical photo-polarimeter
G. Srinivasulu1*, A. V. Raveendran2, S. Muneer1†, M. V. Mekkaden3, N. Jayavel4, M. R. Somashekar1, K. Sagayanathan1, S. Ramamoorthy1, M. J. Rosario5 and K. Jayakumar6‡
Abstract | PDF


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