Abstract Details

Name: Anjusha Balan
Affiliation: Christ University
Conference ID: ASI2018_1557
Title : Search for accreting T Tauri stars in nearby young moving groups.
Authors and Co-Authors : Shridharan.B: University of Delhi, Blesson Mathew: Christ University,Bangalore, Manoj.P: TIFR,Mumbai,Paul KT: Christ University, Bangalore
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : Nearby young moving groups (NYMGs) are kinematically associated stellar groups that are very close (within 100 pc) to the Sun and spread over large volumes of space. They are incredibly sparse with stars spread over thousands of cubic parsecs of space. Members of NYMGs are thought to be coeveal and gravitationally unbound (Riedel et al. 2017) with ages ranging from 3-70 Myr. We have analysed the master list of the members of NYMGs from Reidel et al. (2016) in order to identify young stars with relatively long-lived protoplanetary disks. The motivation for this search was the discovery of PDS 11 which is a nearby (114-131 pc), accreting T Tauri (Classical T Tauri star; CTTS) binary sytem of age 10-15 Myr (Mathew et al. 2017). We do not expect such active, dusty disks in these systems because the disk disruption time scale of low mass stars are around 3-6 Myr. How can disk survive in 10-15 Myr old system like PDS 11? To address this question we have initiated a survey program to carry out optical/infrared spectroscopy of young stars with long-lived disks with the major facilities in India, i.e., Devesthal Optical Telescope, Himalayan Chandra telescope and Vainu Bappu telescope. The target list for the program was selected from Riedel et al. (2016) with a focus on M-type stars. We present the initial results from this long term program to identify possible systems like PDS 11.