Abstract Details

Name: Resmi Lekshmi
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology
Conference ID: ASI2018_939
Title : The Gamma Ray Burst from the first binary Neutron Star merger
Authors and Co-Authors : Lekshmi Resmi, IIST
Abstract Type : Invited
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : I will give a brief overview of GRB170817a, the Gamma Ray Burst associated with the first binary Neutron Star merger. I will then move on to describe our monitoring of the radio afterglow of the GRB using ALMA and GMRT. We constrain the structure of the GRB jet using multi-wavelength afterglow data. We explain the faintness of the burst based on doppler de-boosting at an extreme off-axis viewing angle. Will conclude by summarising future prospects to GRB physics from this watershed event.