Abstract Details

Name: Dr. Vipin K. Yadav
Affiliation: SPL / VSSC / ISRO / DOS
Conference ID: ASI2018_1274
Title : The magnetic environment study of terrestrial planets – Venus and Mars
Authors and Co-Authors : None
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : The magnetism is a universal parameter and an essential component of any planetary body. The magnetic field of a planetary body is the result of its internal movements taken place in the past and present as well as due to its interaction with the solar wind. The magnetic field imposes constraints on the planetary structure, dynamics and evolution. The magnetic field can be used as a potential tool to understand the interiors of a planetary body. Venus and Mars do not possess a global magnetic field unlike Earth. The absence of an intrinsic magnetic field in Venus is due to the lack of dynamo which is responsible for a strong global magnetic field due to the motion of an electrically conducting and convecting fluid inside the planet. It is believed that Mars had an intrinsic magnetic field is the past but the dynamo stops due to various factors. However, Mars does possess a weak magnetic moment due to the crustal magnetic anomalies. In the absence of a global magnetic field, the solar radiation (dominantly EUV) interacts deep into the atmosphere of Venus and Mars and ionizes large number of neutral atoms and molecules to generate the ionosphere. In the ionosphere of these two terrestrial planets a number of plasma phenomena take place. Some of these phenomena lead to the generation of plasma waves. In this paper, the scientific understanding of the magnetic environment of Venus and Mars is presented with proposed studies that can be carried out in a future space mission to these planets.