Abstract Details

Name: Rekhesh Mohan
Affiliation: Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Conference ID: ASI2018_1365
Title : A Deep Imaging Study of Ringed Galaxies using UVIT
Authors and Co-Authors : Koshy George, Indian Institute of Astrophysics
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : Ringed Early type galaxies (R-ETGs) form a unique class of extragalactic objects which can provide important clues to investigate a variety of topics ranging from galaxy formation and evolution to dark matter content in the galaxies. The central early-type galaxy hosts evolved stellar population while the ring, abuzz with active star formation is bright in UV. The high resolution FUV/NUV imaging is ideal to study the clumpy ongoing star formation in the ring and the spatial variation of star formation rate. As part of an ongoing deep imaging survey of R-ETGs using the UVIT, we are conducting the deepest and highest spatial resolution UV observations of a selected list of these galaxies using UVIT onbaord ASTROSAT. The analysis and the initial results of the study will be presented.