Abstract Details

Name: Gaurava K Jaisawal
Affiliation: National Space Institute (DTU Space), Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference ID: ASI2018_1592
Title : Spectral and timing properties of newly discovered X-ray pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124
Authors and Co-Authors : Sachindra Naik (PRL, Ahmedabad) and Jerome Chenevez (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : We present the results obtained from timing and spectral studies of the newly discovered accreting X-ray binary pulsar Swift J0243.6+6124 using a NuSTAR observation in 2017 October at a flux level of ~280 mCrab. The spin period of the neutron star measured to be 9.85423(5) s. Pulse profiles of the pulsar found to be strongly energy dependent. A broad profile at lower energies was found to evolve into a double peaked profile in >30keV. The 3-79 keV continuum spectrum of the pulsar is well described with a negative and positive exponential cutoff or high energy cutoff power law models modified with a hot blackbody at ~3 keV. An iron emission line is also detected at 6.4 keV in the source spectrum. We did not find any signature of cyclotron absorption line in our study. Results obtained from phase-resolved and time-resolved spectroscopy will be discussed in detail.