Abstract Details

Name: Manisha Pithadia
Affiliation: Kadi sarva vishwavidyalaya
Conference ID: ASI2018_1598
Title : Study of energy build-up and release process in solar storms
Authors and Co-Authors : Manisha Pithadia, Rajmal Jain, Arun Kumar Awasthi, Ashish Patel, Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya, Gandhinagar, India
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : We study two solar active regions to probe the physical process of energy build up and release in solar storms viz. Flares, CMEs and filament eruptions. We consider the free magnetic field energy in the active region as the major source of energy build-up in the corona, while gradient and rotation angle of the active region as the cause of the solar storms. Therefore we undertake the measurement of magnetic field complexity employing magnetograms from HMI/SDO to constrain the possible mechanisms providing the energy build-up on one hand and triggering on the other hand. Two super active regions observed during march-2012 and may 2013 are selected considering that each has produced minimum 20 flares of ≥C1.0 class and minimum one X-class flare during its passage on the disk. To quantifying the energy build up we measure the magnetic flux from the photospheric observations, which transfers to the corona through magnetic convection in the loops. The magnetic field gradient (dH/dz) and rotation angle () of the active region are measured to quantifying the energy release process in the corona. The magnetic complexity proxies viz. magnetic flux, gradient and rotation angle are found to vary between 9*1024 -2.8*1026 Mx, 1*10-5 – 1.25*10-2 gauss/cm and, -87 – +90 respectively. We compare the variation of the photospheric magnetic complexity (cause) proxies and X-ray flare flux (consequence) as a function of time and find common periodicities in the cause and consequence parameters.