Abstract Details

Name: Nevil Shah
Affiliation: 3rd year Physics Majors BS-MS at IISER Mohali
Conference ID: ASI2018_1599
Title : A study of Blue Straggler Stars in Intermediate Open Clusters
Authors and Co-Authors : Nevi Shah (IISER-M)Annapurni Subramaniam (IIA), Sindhu, N.(VIT, IIA), Samyak Prasad (IISER-M)
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : Until now, Blue Straggler Stars found in dense GCs and old OCs (above 1 Gyr) have been extensively studied. However, BSSs present in Intermediate Age OCs (0.5 to 1 Gyr) have been little studied, due to lack of proper motion and sufficiently precise spectrometry data of individual stars. Out of 15 potential Intermediate Age OCs, NGC 2355 was identified as a cluster with some peculiar stars which includes 8 fast rotating stars, 2 stragglers - 1 BSS (KM2) and another potentially evolved BSS (KM1) that needs further study. The GALEX-UV and Optical (Large Binocular Telescope) data were combined together to plot CMDs and the fundamental parameters of the cluster were determined. The fundamental parameters of peculiar stars were determined by fitting their SED. 2 new peculiar stars have been found in our study: a white dwarf and a binary red giant star (KM7). KM1 (evolved blue straggler lying 2.3 mag above the red giant clump) also has two components a hotter component (Teff = 9000 K) and (Teff = 5000 K) which is same as the components obtained for KM7. Other strange results of the study include, unusual FUV excess as compared to the best fit in SED of fast rotating stars. The simulated CMD of the cluster incorporating evolving binaries also predicts the observed number of WD binaries among the evolved stars.