Abstract Details

Name: Nilkanth Vagshette
Affiliation: Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya, Udgir
Conference ID: ASI2018_1634
Title : AGN heating versus radiative cooling in the galaxy clusters
Authors and Co-Authors : M K Patil: School of Physical Sciences, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded 2) Sachindra Naik: Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : We present results obtained from the analysis of high resolution Chandra archival data on 3C 444 and ZwCl 2701 galaxy clusters. These clusters are located at redshifts of 0.153 and 0.214, respectively, each hosting a pair of X-ray cavities. A comparison of the surface bright distribution of the X-ray emitting plasma and the diffuse radio emission revealed a good spatial association in both the systems. The detected X-ray cavities allowed us to quantify the mechanical power that has been injected by the central AGN and utilized for heating the surrounding gas. The total estimated powers in these systems were found to be ~6. x 10^44 erg s^-1 and 2.3 x 10^45 erg s^-1, respectively, with cavity ages about 10^7 – 10^8 yr. The measured X-ray luminosity within the cooling radius (~100 kpc) is found to be much smaller than the mechanical power, implying that the injected power is capable enough to compensate the radiative loss. Temperature and density profiles derived from the spatially resolved spectral analysis of the X-ray emission from 3C 444 exhibited presence of a rarely detected elliptical shock surrounding the X-ray cavities. A shock has also been detected in the other system ZwCl 2701. Using the observed density jumps in these system at shock locations, the computed Mach numbers are found to lie between 1.25 – 1.72.