Abstract Details

Affiliation: Int. PhD, Physics, HRI
Conference ID: ASI2018_1715
Title : On the Role of Disc Thickness in Influencing the Black Hole Spectrum
Authors and Co-Authors : Tapas K. Das, Pratik Tarafdar
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : Observational evidences of astrophysical black holes may be obtained by studying the spectra emitted by the multi-wavelength photons from the matter accreting onto such holes. The characteristic spectra can be constructed by studying the dynamics of the matter flow. For axially symmetric general relativistic accretion of matter onto a rotating black hole, we study how various thickness functions for such flow having a specific geometric configuration (flow in hydro-static equilibrium along the vertical direction) can influence various kinematical and thermodynamic properties of the in-falling material, which, in turn, may shed light on how the features of the black hole characteristic spectra depends on such thickness factor.