Abstract Details

Name: Nobleson K
Affiliation: Osmania University
Conference ID: ASI2018_1770
Title : Alternate initial conditions for the big bang cosmological model
Authors and Co-Authors : Nour Dergham, Osmania University Juhi Parmar, Osmania University
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : The aim of this paper is to propose an alternate model to the Big Bang theory’s initial conditions. In the existing model, the extrapolation of laws of physics back in time results in a high density regime known as singularity, typically associated with the standard big bang model. The model also describes how the universe expanded from high density, high temperature state while offering explanation of the abundance of light elements, cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), large scale structure and Hubble’s law. We propose a model for the universe considering the most recent measurements of redshift of Type Ia Supernovae, indicating the accelerating universe and the existence of dark energy and extrapolating the time forward. We also discuss the consequence of this runaway expansion of the universe which may trigger a sequence of events leading to the genesis of another universe at the same time trying to avoid the problems of singularity, inflationary expansion, and asymmetry between the matter and antimatter which are still currently debated in the standard big bang model.