Abstract Details

Name: Tridib Roy
Affiliation: Indian Institute Of Astrophysics
Conference ID: ASI2018_718
Title : Radio emission of pulsar and polarization
Authors and Co-Authors : Dr. R.T.Gangadhara, Affilation:Professor of Indian Institute of Astrophysics.
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Stars,ISM and the Galaxy
Abstract : Pulsars emit beamed electromagnetic radiation in the form of periodic pulses, as it sweeps across the observer. We know from observations that the radio emission of pulsars is coherent and highly polarized. The typical brightness temperature of pulsars range from 10$^{25}$ to 10$^{32}$ K. The mechanism of radio wave emission of pulsars is still an outstanding problem in pulsar astronomy. However, it is generally believed that the coherent curvature radiation mechanism can explain the high brightness temperature and polarization of pulsars in radio band. Physicists have suggested several mechanisms like Plasma antenna mechanism, Maser amplification and Relativistic plasma instabilities. We believe that coherent curvature radiation mechanism can incorporate both relativistic plasma instabilities and antenna mechanism, and worth enough to explain the high brightness temperature of pulsars. Coherent curvature radiation model is being developed by taking into account of detailed viewing geometry and dipolar magnetic field. The relativistic pair plasma (e$^{-}$, e$^{+}$) tied to the dipolar magnetic field lines, changes direction in every moment which results in the acceleration and hence emitting radiation. We are trying to develop a theoretical model based on bunch (collective system of plasma particles) acceleration and plasma instabilities process, which is believed to explain the enhanced Intensity, high brightness temperature in radio band as well as polarization characteristics.