Abstract Details

Name: Sushma Kurapati
Affiliation: NCRA- TIFR
Conference ID: ASI2018_852
Title : Angular momentum of dwarf galaxies
Authors and Co-Authors : Jayaram N Chengalur, NCRA-TIFR.
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Extragalactic astronomy
Abstract : We present the measurements of baryonic mass (M) and the baryonic specific angular momentum (j) of 11 dwarf galaxies that lie in Lynx-Cancer void based on high-resolution HI observations and the stellar mass profiles. We find that the dwarf galaxies in the void show similar trend in j-M pane as that of the dwarf galaxies in average density environments. However, all the dwarf galaxies have significantly higher specific angular momentum than expected from the relation obtained for the larger spiral galaxies. We find a systematic trend with mass, in that dwarf galaxies with masses lower than 10$^{9.1}$ M$_{\odot}$ have significantly higher baryonic specific angular momentum than expected from the relation found for spiral galaxies . As the mass of the galaxy increases beyond 10$^{9.1}$ M$_{\odot}$, the baryonic specific angular momentum decreases and they tend to follow the relation obtained for the massive galaxies with zero bulge fraction. Interestingly, the mass threshold that we find, viz, 10$^9.1} M$_{\odot}$ is similar to the one at which galaxy disks begin to systematically thicken. We propose that both these effects, viz. the thickening of disks and the increase in specific angular momentum are due to stellar feedback processes. These preferentially remove the low angular momentum gas from the central parts of dwarfs (thus increasing the specific angular momentum of the system) and also inject mechanical energy into the system, leading to thicker discs.