WS4 - Scaling Relations in Galaxies

Workshop 4
Title of workshop: Scaling Relations in Galaxies
Scientific Rationale: Over the last two decades or so, there has been a large number of dedicated small to large scale surveys such as Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), BOSS, SEGUE, APOGEE to understand physical properties of galaxies. And more than a dozen of surveys (e.g., RAVE, BRAVA, GAIA) dedicated to unfold the formation history of our Milky Way. In addition, there are a few IFU (Integral Field Unit) surveys such as SAURON, CALIFA, MANGA (publicly available) providing us with simultaneous measurements of photometric kinematic plus metal abundance for a single galaxy - altogether making it a golden era for investigating galaxy formation, structure and evolution in unprecedented detail. At the same time, the availability of big volume of data allows one to look at galaxies as a population. From the galaxy formation point of view, it is desirable to benchmark the characteristic physical properties of the population. One of the possible ways to look at the problem is to determine/establish a set of scaling relations based on physical intuition - for example, the luminosity and the maximum circular velocity in a spiral galaxy are known to be in tight correlation - the famous Tully-Fisher relation. Similarly, the spheroidal galaxies are known to follow the fundamental plane relation - which is a tight correlation between their size, central surface brightness and velocity dispersion.

Understanding the origin and nature of such scaling relations is one of the fundamental quest for any successful theory of galaxy formation. We propose to host an one-day workshop to explore scaling relations and its implication for galaxy formation based on archival data, primarily with SDSS. The workshop is aimed at introducing the young researchers, the usefulness and implications of various scaling relations, how to establish one by exploring big volume of data. The proposers are engaged in several ongoing work in the field of galaxy formation, evolution and their structures and are well placed to conduct a workshop on the topic.

Tentative programme: The workshop will consist of a number of talks to be followed by hands-on sessions. The topics to be covered will include -

  • Introduction to scaling relations in galaxies
  • Fundamental plane
  • Introduction to SDSS and other data
  • Demos and hands-on session
Requirements: The level of the workshop will be suitable for young researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics, having familiarity with basic software packages such as Plotting softwares such Gnuplot, Plplot/MATLAB, SQL, IRAF, Python etc. and Linux, of course. The participants will need to bring laptop for the hands-on session. They will be advised on the software packages to be loaded on their laptops prior to the workshop. Good audio-visual facilities, wifi with decent bandwidth and a number of power outlets will be required for conducting the workshop.
Expected Participants: The number of participants will be limited to 40 at the workshop.
Details on Organisation:
Organisers: Kanak Saha (IUCAA), Sudhanshu Barway (SAAO, South Africa), Chanda Jog (IISc), Ajit Kembhavi (IUCAA)