
There are good number of Hotels close to all the railways station at a distance of 3-5 Km. We have blocked five Hotels at a discounted rates (soon the charges and other details would be provided). For sharing a room, participants are requested to look for their own partner. For the payment, the concern person name, Account number with IFSC code etc, E-mail Id and mobile number will be made available. Rooms are needed to be booked before 05-01-2018 and room tariff for one day (NON-REFUNDABLE) needs to be paid to the respective hotel for booking of the room. For more information and inquires contact Dr. Sriram. 

Please find Hotel Details from this link  

Apart from this 50 rooms are blocked in various Guest houses on the campus for the participants who will get support from ASI. The details of the Guest houses are Osmania University Guest house, ICSSR (Indian council for social sciences research) guest House, OUCIP (Osmania University centre for international programs) guest house and RCUES (Regional centre for urban and environmental studies) Guest house. Apart for this, we may get few more rooms from EFLU (English and Foreign languages University), located in the university campus. 

The participants with accommodation support from ASI will be accommodated in the following location. Presice detail will be updated soon.

  • OU Guest House, Beside Arts college, OU Hyderabad
  • OUCIP Huest House, OU, hyderabad,
  • RCUES, OU, hyderabad,
  • EFLU GH, OU, hyderabad,
  • Sathyodayam, Door No 12-5-33, Tarnaka, Hyderabad - 500007, Near Ganesh Temple

Note: The participants are free to book other hotels of their choice.

Childcare Facility: Astronomers interested in availing the childcare facility should email the WGGE-Chair as well as the LOC-Chair with their request before January 10, 2018. The childcare facility is close to Osmania University.