Abstract Details

Name: Rohan Eugene Louis
Affiliation: Udaipur Solar Observatory, PRL
Conference ID: ASI2020_208
Title : The importance of the solar chromosphere - Recent insights from high resolution observations
Authors and Co-Authors : Rohan E. Louis, Shibu K. Mathew, Nandita Srivastava, A. Raja Bayanna
Abstract Type : Invited
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : The solar chromosphere serves as an important conduit for mass and energy transfer between the photosphere and the outer layers of the Sun's atmosphere. This region, particularly in active regions or sunspots, is characterised by several important and interesting phenomena, such as umbral flashes, penumbral micro-jets, surges, etc., which underline the complex interaction of the magnetic field with plasma flows and their imprint on the emanant radiation. In this talk, I will describe some of these phenomena, the processes driving them, and new insights gleaned from recent high-resolution observations obtained from ground, as well as space-based instruments.