List of Posters

During 38th Meeting of Astronomical Society of India the poster presentation will be for the entire duration.
The dimensions of poster should be of A0 size (maximum). Please note the orientation of the posters should be portrait only. The participant should present the poster in the place assigned based on poster number, name etc.

The Judges expect the presenter of the poster to stand next to the poster during the poster session.
The Best poster from every category will be awarded the Best Poster Award from ASI for 2020.
Please click on the link or tabs to view the list of participants for different categories.

Abstract CategoryNo of Participants for Poster Presentation (Total 155)
Sun and the Solar System21 participants
Stars, ISM and Galaxy61 participants
Extragalactic Astronomy48 participants
General Relativity and Cosmology4 participants
Instrumentation and Techniques21 participants
Poster Recommendations and Requirements
  • The presentation must cover the material as cited in the abstract.
  • Place the title of your paper and your paper number prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your paper.
  • Highlight the authors’ names and contact information in case the viewer is interested in more information.
  • Prepare diagrams or charts legibly in a size sufficient to be read at a distance of 2 meters.
  • Paragraph and figure captions should be at least in a 24-point font (0.9 cm height) and headers at least in a 36-point font (1.2 cm height). Be creative by using different font sizes, styles, and colors.
  • When working with graphs or charts, use different colors and textures/symbols for each line or bar. A serif font (e.g., Times) is often easier for reading main text, and a non-serif font (e.g., Arial or Helvetica) is more legible for headers and figure labels.
  • Organize the presentation so it is clear, orderly, and self-explanatory.
  • Use squares, rectangles, circles, etc., to group similar ideas. Avoid cluttering your poster with too much text. Label different elements as I, II, III; or 1, 2, 3; or A, B, C; making it easier for a viewer to follow your display.
  • Include the background of your research followed by results and conclusions. A successful poster presentation depends on how well you convey information to an interested audience.