Abstract Details

Name: Tuhin Ghosh
Affiliation: DAA, TIFR
Conference ID: ASI2020_363
Title : Effects of Planetesimal Scattering on Non-Resonant Planet Pairs
Authors and Co-Authors : Tuhin Ghosh, Abhijeet Singh, Sourav Chatterjee
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : NASA’s Kepler space telescope has discovered 669 multi-planet systems as of October 1, 2019. One surprising observed trend was the overabundance and deficit of systems wide and narrow of first-order mean motion resonances (MMRs) such as 3:2 and 2:1. Chatterjee & Ford (2015) showed that the overabundance wide of 2:1 MMR can be explained as a result of interaction between planet pairs initially trapped into a 2:1 MMR and a planetesimal disk of sufficient mass. We extend this work to study the effects on non-resonant planet pairs with initial period ratios spanning a long-range (encompassing 3:2 and 2:1) due to the scattering of planetesimals from a disk in which the planets are embedded. Our preliminary results show that planetesimal scattering naturally increases the orbital period ratios of the planet pairs and may be able to explain both the deficit and overabundance across MMRs. We will present our latest results and discuss the implications if such episodes of planetesimal scattering and accretion are really common for typical exoplanet systems.