Abstract Details

Name: Prateek Gupta
Affiliation: Savitribai Phule Pune University
Conference ID: ASI2020_404
Title : The diffusive shock acceleration efficiency and magnetic field strength in radio relics, using numerical modeling and simulation
Authors and Co-Authors : Prateek Gupta, Dept of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University Matthias Hoeft, Thuringer Landessternwarte, Tautenburg, Germany Surajit Paul, Dept of Physics, Savitribai Phule Pune University
Abstract Type : Oral
Abstract Category : General Relativity and Cosmology
Abstract : During the formation of cosmological structures, the large shock waves (>~ 1 Mpc) are generated in the intracluster medium (ICM). These large shock waves are classified as the merger shocks, with Mach number M~2-5, and the accretion shock, with Mach number M>5. In a diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) scenario, the charged particles in the ICM gain energy in each crossing of the shock front, which is the most adopted mechanism to explain the origin of cosmic rays as well as radio relics in the galaxy clusters. In this work, we simulate the cosmological structure formation scenario (with N-body + hydro-dynamical code, ENZO) with the proper detection of shocks and the corresponding Mach number to study the efficiency required for the particle acceleration mechanism (DSA) to take away the electrons from the thermal distribution to the high energy non-thermal distribution (the Power-law distribution) and produce the observed radio relics with the significant strength of magnetic field. In our study, we consider the homogeneous distribution of the magnetic field and it has been observed that in the strength of a few micro-gauss of the magnetic field, the resulted non-thermal electrons from the DSA process can reproduce the observed radio relics, but the efficiency should not be smaller than 5 percent. Finally, the mock radio map has been prepared to represent the current observational scenario.