Abstract Details

Name: Chandreyee Maitra
Affiliation: Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
Conference ID: ASI2020_68
Title : AstroSat view of cyclotron lines in accretion powered pulsars
Authors and Co-Authors : Chandreyee Maitra
Abstract Type : Invited
Abstract Category : Stars, ISM and Galaxy
Abstract : Cyclotron lines are absorption like features which are detected in the X-ray spectrum of accretion powered pulsars. The centroid energy of the lines can be related to the magnetic field strength of the neutron star, and they are one of the surest estimators of the magnetic field strength in neutron stars. Pulse phase dependence of the cyclotron lines can further provide important clues on the accretion geometry and the magnetic field configuration. We present results from cyclotron line studies of a few bright Galactic high-mass X-ray binaries using AstroSat data. We will also present results from a Magellanic pulsar SXP 15.3 where we have found strong indications of a cyclotron line.