Abstract Details

Conference ID: ASI2020_297
Title : Connecting 3D Kinematics of slow and fast CMEs to their source regions: A preparatory study for the ADITYA L1 mission
Authors and Co-Authors : Satabdwa Majumdar, Vaibhav Pant, Ritesh Patel, Dipankar Banerjee
Abstract Type : Poster
Abstract Category : Sun and the Solar System
Abstract : Coronal Mass Ejections(CMEs) are the major drivers of space weather, and thus it’s important to understand their kinematics. The major challenges faced in this area are, understanding the kinematics in the inner corona (<3R_SUN), projection effects, arrival time predictions. In this work, we selected CMEs from different phases of solar cycle 23 and 24 and grouped them into 6 categories: slow (<300 Km s-1) and fast (>500 Km s-1) based on the average 2D speed recorded in the CDAW catalogue and on their identified source regions (Active Regions, Quiescent Prominences and Active Prominences). We then studied the effect of the source region on the CME width distribution and found different power laws for CMEs coming from different source regions irrespective of being slow or fast, clearly hinting towards a possibly different mechanism at their ejection sites. To address to the challenges mentioned earlier and to look for any signatures of these source regions on the actual 3D kinematical profiles, we used the data from COR 1 and COR 2 onboard STEREO A/B and the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) model to study the 3D kinematics of 60 events (10 in each category). We found very interesting 3D profiles for CMEs from different sources, showing their varied interaction with the ambient atmosphere. We have also come across deflection, expansion and rotation of the CME which are really important for space weather forecasts, The comparison of 2D and 3D average speeds also show how misleading 2D speeds can be in arrival time predictions.